
Almost there.  Let’s review the quiz instructions.

1.    To receive CEU credit you must be on record as purchasing “Designing for Longevity, Health & Happiness”. Purchase here
2.    To obtain full credit for .2 CEU, complete the test with 80% accuracy.
3.    You can repeat the test in order to pass. Refer to the Designing for Longevity Video at any time.
4.    If you have trouble using an IPad to complete the quiz, try using another device.
5.    Grab your IDCEC number (if you have one). You will be asked to provide it at the beginning of the quiz (it begins with the number 21 followed by 8 numbers.  It is different from your ASID number).
6.    If you DO have an IDCEC number, and pass the quiz, your CEU credit will be recorded and you will be emailed. A hard copy certificate is not required.
7.    If you DO NOT have an IDCEC number, pass the quiz, and require some written confirmation of completion, please email us at

8.    If you have any trouble with this quiz contact us directly at



1 / 13

First and Last Name

2 / 13

Please provide a current email so that we can notify you when your education credit has been recorded to your IDCEC account.

3 / 13

Please provide your IDCEC number (if you have one).  It begins with the number 21 followed by a dash and 8 digits.  If you do not have one, no problem.

4 / 13

#1.  What are the 4 areas of science covered today that can either increase or decrease the length and quality of life?

5 / 13

#2.  How does purified water help humans live longer and lower the probability of establishing chronic illness?

6 / 13

#3.  What are the top three ways you can help your clients incorporate purified water systems in their spaces?

7 / 13

#4.  Interior designers can help clients live longer by creating spaces that promote healthy eating habits by;

8 / 13

#5.  The benefits of creating spaces where healthy food is easily accessible - like herbs, fruit and prepared veggies -are;

9 / 13

#6.  One of the biggest causes to sleep deprivation is that we are creating sleep spaces that energize us when we walk into the room. What are 3 major contributors to energizing a room?

10 / 13

#7.  What are the elements in design that will improve deep REM sleep?

11 / 13

#8.  Why is understanding electromagnetic fields so important in designing living/working spaces?

12 / 13

#9.  What are the most effective methods to design a space that is free from harmful radio frequencies?

13 / 13

#10.  Can a home really improve health and heal the body for longer life?

Your score is


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