Petite-Sabbatical: One Interior Designers Journey to Recharge

 In Best Practices, Building Confidence, Business, Business Tools for Interior design, Case Study, Communication, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Inspiration, Interior Design, Interior Design Business Coach, Interior Design education, Interior Design Ideas, Interviews, Life Balance, Motivational Quotes, Uncategorized

We all know what a vacation is but how is a sabbatical different?  Sabbaticals used to be defined as getting paid to step away from day to day work to work on personal things for up to one year.   They are no longer defined by the absence of work – in fact, they are defined by the presence of it.  They are the new word for an active pursuit of purpose.  Given that most all entrepreneurs struggle with understanding the power (to their growth) thru taking time off, I wanted to share what Sabra learned on her sabbatical journey.

In this 30-minute interview with San Francisco interior designer Sabra Ballon and business coach Angela Merola, you’ll learn:

1. How to plan for taking a chunk of time off.
2. Ideas to get your team (and clients) prepared for your absence.
3. Ways to spend your time that reboots your spirit.
4. Recommendations to implement those new viewpoints as you return to work with vigor and excitement.

See more of Sabra’s recent photoshoot in California Home Design HERE and visit her website at

Interested in creating a custom plan so you can “easily” take time away?  Contact me.  Let’s set up your plan.


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