Offer Yourself What You Offer to Others
Interior designers give, give, give and then give some more. In today’s environment, you are over fatigued. Drained. Expelled. I speak to designers daily who give so much of themselves away they don’t have anything left to grow their own business let alone have a balanced personal life. Don’t you think it’s time to change your habit to give yourself what you offer to others? Thought so.
Ask yourself these questions:
#1: List several ways you like to care and support special people in your life (clients, friends, family).
#2: From this list, which ones could you offer the same kind of generosity to yourself?
#3: Pick one and find time to offer yourself this gift. Select a time. Schedule it. Commit to it.
#4: After you do it, think about what that was like. How did it make you feel? How did it help you?
#5: REPEAT!!
The more you can give to yourself what you are generously giving to others, the stronger your business and personal life will be.