How To Make Getting Referrals Easier (and Fun)

 In Articles, Best Practices, Building Confidence, Business, business referrals, Business Tools for Interior design, Continuing Education, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Inspiration, Interior Design, Interior Design Business Coach, Interior Design education, Interior Design Ideas, Life Balance

Your best clients come from referrals, namely from the clients you wish you had 20 more of.  With an abundance of business these days, you still want to select the clients that align best with the growth of your business.  Do this three step exercise and watch how it will transform the quality and ease of referrals.

#1:  Name your most powerful connections

Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle so you have two columns.  On the left side, write the name of an architect, builder, real estate agent, marketer, client, networking community, etc….  that you feel a powerful sense of alignment.  Identify the people in your circle for whom creates a circle of support around you.  You get them, they get you.   Leave enough space between the names so you can write some things about them on the right-hand side.

#2: For each person above, list the ways that relationship supports you

Meaning, specifically identify how you feel held and cared for in these relationships.  Do they think the same?  Have the same level of standards?  Support you with positive ideas and words?   Give you key suggestions at critical decision points?  List all the ways you feel supported and sustained by that relationship.  Now you have a robust list of your most powerful connections and all the ways in which you feel supported and sustained by them.

#3: Begin investing time and energy in those powerful relationships

The idea here is to go deep into what you have that is already working vs spreading your time and energy thin “hoping” to find the likes of what you already have.  Nurture those relationships.  Get to know and support them better.  Look for potential connections thru those people to develop more with the same alignment.  When entrepreneurs make deep connections with supporting people in their community it becomes a very strong source of referrals.  You become top of mind to refer a client.

Having said that, if you did this exercise and realize you don’t have enough of these supportive, sustaining, powerful connections, then use that list of traits that support you and go find other connections in the community to add to your list of amazing referral relationships.  You want to ensure you have an amazing architect, real estate agent, financial advisor, builder, contractor, networking community (just to name a few) as your base to nurture your referral pipeline of perfectly aligned clients.   What is important to know is that people refer people they know, trust and like.  Widen your numbers of powerful connections and this generates referrals aligned with the type of client and projects you want to build your business.

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