8 Tips to Decrease “Election Stress”
Today I read 52% percent of Americans admit to “election stress disorder”. (Really, that’s all?). Most people say this is the most stressful election they have ever experienced. It has rocked us to our core, literally! From a psychological perspective humans begin to feel a real threat when the basic sense of security is unstable. Fight or flight responses become the norm.
So I was thinking, practically the minute the election is over, we launch right into family gatherings with Thanksgiving (15 days after the election) directly followed by the most celebrated holidays of the year including ringing in the New Year!
It’s time to alleviate this stress and “catch a break” before we tackle the next series of challenges. If not, the deck is stacked against us and we are beginning the season at a deficit of patience, mental capacity and any hope of normalcy.
TIP #1: LIMIT MEDIA EXPOSURE around the election including all sources; social media, TV, social circles, family and business situations. Only get what you really need.
TIP #2: PRACTICE HEALTHY BOUNDARIES in conversations by stating you are “choosing to take the election topic off the table” for a few hours or days. Make it a game and select the topics you will discuss. Yes…..even with clients. You will all be relieved!
TIP #3: START AND END THE DAY WITH 15 LONG DEEP BREATHS. Make the inhale and exhale 4 counts each. This calms the nervous system, “reboots” your outlook and actually changes your mood.
TIP #4: RECONNECT WITH YOUR “CENTER”. Do that “something” that you love so much that you get completely lost in it. Choose activities that “disconnect” from the outside world and reconnect with the strong inner core sense of self. This could be doing something creatively fun (without client deadlines or pressure).
TIP #5: NOURISH YOURSELF THROUGH NATURE. The energy of the earth and nature automatically nourishes and calms every cell in your body. Take a walk among trees, lake, fields, birds…..anything away from electronics.
TIP #6: FIND FUN EXERCISE TO RELEASE “BACKED UP” ANXIETY. Physical activity produce endorphin’s—chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers—and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. Don’t add stress by doing something that isn’t fun. Go for fun right now so that release comes easy!!
TIP #7: GET A SOLID 8 HOURS OF RESTFUL SLEEP. 67% of all Americans are sleep deprived. You will be shocked at how much better EVERYTHING is when you see life through the eyes of rest and rejuvenation!
TIP #8: IMMERSE YOURSELF IN INSPIRATION. I’m not into baseball but I could watch all those fans for HOURS as they hugged strangers and loved ones and cried for joy from the depths of their hearts. Whatever lifts your spirit, don’t walk, run and don’t stop until you feel that shift in your soul.