A New Era For Interior Design – And What to Do About It

 In Articles, Best Practices, Business, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Interior Design, Life Balance, Marketing, News

Before Apple launched the “i” series, we all struggled with multiple, disconnected and sterile looking products.  Phones were grey or black with the occasional red or blue.  Music was another device and GPS yet another.  We lugged these around with their associated cords.  It was a mess.

Steven Jobs saw a vision to make life easier.  Filled with fun, joy, color and connectedness.  He noticed that the world was primed to embrace an easier solution inclusive of self-expression with an element of self-discovery, expansion, and inner-connectedness.

Interior design is in the exact same position as Apple; primed and poised to launch into a new era of making lives richer.  Consumers are fixated with things that make life easier, express personal brands, and support a higher quality of life that fits a busy lifestyle.  Companies finally “get” the impact good design has on hiring and keeping great talent making interior (and exterior) design part of their branding and communication strategies.   It is a perfect alignment of forces to launch interior design into a movement that helps people reach their full potential personally and professionally.

How do you lead your business – and the industry – into a new era? 

  1. Position yourself as “Coach” or “Problem Solver” first and designer as your medium to solve their problems.

Most interior designers position themselves by their skills to renovate, update or rebuild.  To consumers, however, design is simply a pathway to solving their bigger issue; they are not living their full potential in the space they have.  All they care about is; can you understand their issues and utilize design elements to solve it.  By leading with coach or problem solver, you differentiate yourself from the pack and make it easy to see you as the visionary design firm who understands them best.

  1. Rebuild your definition of marketing.

Outdated marketing focuses on the services of a designer.   In today’s environment, this approach will hardly get recognized.  The new marketing focuses on sharing real client stories about how their lives were improved.  People find it easy to translate what they will get by working with you through learning about stories from others you’ve helped.  Visuals are a must in that story and video is the most powerful medium.  We are in an “experience economy”.  People want to experience a connection with you as a method to decide if you are the right match.  Seattle interior designer Keith Miller shows us all how it’s done!   www.millerinteriordesign.com/

  1. Nurture your creative tool like a fine tuned instrument.

Your level of creativity is directly affected by how well you take care of yourself; physically, mentally and spiritually.  When you “fill yourself up” with energizing relationships and conversations, fresh food, deep sleep and creative self-expression then your creative ideas skyrocket.  Over half of all Americans are sleep deprived.  More people are watching TV instead of talking to each other making loneliness the biggest issue of the 21st century.  Find “healthy resources” to nurture your creative soul and hold that time sacred.  Treat your creative skill like a multimillion dollar instrument because IT IS!!

Learn more about the Top 10 Methods for leading interior design into a new era in the on-line video CEU course titled;  The Courage to Lead Interior Design into a New Era HERE.

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